Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Conductor Erich Kunzel

Only a little over a month ago, I was was lucky enough to spend an evening at Wolf Trap. Gazing over the audience seated in the pavilion seats shielded from the rain, I hunkered down on the grassy slope, while around us rain fell from the sides of the pedestrian bridge. Erich Kunzel directed the music of John Williams (soundtracks of ET, Star Wars, Indiana Jones, Harry Potter…) The music was beautiful and the Conductor Kunzel was spunky. During the Star Wars pieces, Hans Solo, Darth Vader and droids descended on the stage. Kunzel dueled against Darth Vader using his conductor stick—it didn’t look very effective in relation to the light saber. Kunzel was genuine and gracious to both the audience and the musicians. Not being a classical music aficionado, I was thankful for the opportunity to see Kunzel conducting. He passed away Sept 1st, 2009.

On the 3rd of July, without knowing it, I also heard Kunzel conduct during a dress rehearsal for the 4th of July Concert. Here is "Rhapsody in Blue" from "A Capitol Fourth--on the 4th of July."

NYT Obituary

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