Thursday, October 15, 2009

First Few Days in Quito

Monday I flew out of Minneapolis airport. I was surprised that there were delays due to snow in October! After a brief stop in Atlanta, I boarded the plane to Ecuador for the 4 hour and 50 minute flight.

I am spending this week in Quito, catching up with my host mother from the Summer of '07, registering my visa, attempting to
get back into speaking Spanish, and spending time with friends in Cumbayá, a small suburb of Quito. Click for map.

View of Quito from Basilica of the National Vow

Let me explain why I returned to Ecuador. My introduction to Ecuador was during my senior year of high school through a friend, Johana, an Ecuadorian exchange student. While studying in Quito two summers ago, I spent time with Johana and briefly met her family. Through a series of serendipitous events, I will be volunteering the majority of the year in Portoviejo, Ecuador at a pediatric surgical clinic where Johana's mother works.

Yesterday, I successfully navigated my way via buses to Zeheivy, my host mother's apartment. A wonderful cook, she made a delicious lunch of cream of brocolli soup, chicken and brocolli, rice, plantains, and fresh pitahaya (dragon fruit) and mango juice. Yum. When I left her home two summers ago, she said that all exchange students said they would return, but most never did. I am happy to be in the minority of students that has surprised her with a return visit and expect to spend time with her throughout the year.

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