Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Back on the Coast and in the Clinics

As of last week I am back on the coast. The past two days have been spent at CAS clinic, helping with preparing patients for physicians (weight, height, blood pressure) and shadowing a gynecologist, Dr M.* I really enjoy learning from Dr. M and assisting her with examinations. Women from many walks of life, from teenagers to seniors walk into the extremely modest exam room. Yet with the little resources available (no patient gowns, no change of patient bed sheets), I admire how Dr. M is able to talk compassionately with patients, test, diagnose, and counsel.

The heat here is a bit unbearable (33 degrees Celsius)…but knowing how cold it is at home, I realize that I am happy my toes are not numb from subzero temps. It was even featured in the local newspaper today that temps in Miami have dropped to below 32 degrees F. Eek, South Beach brrr.

*All names in hospital/clinical settings changed for privacy. Clinic names shortened for privacy.

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