Saturday, August 29, 2009

International Calling--Ways to Stay In Touch

To alleviate worrying about staying in touch once I head to Ecuador... I have been researching the options of late. So, in Ecuador, I can immerse myself at the clinic & local culture while easily connecting with friends and family.

Family & friends are spread across the globe & the US --Dubai, London, Nigeria, Hong Kong my sister traveling throughout Asia and the Middle East, DC, Minnesota, LA, Pennsylvania, a Reservation in South Dakota, CA, Vermont, Chicago, & North Carolina.

Some top ways to stay in touch
1. Skype--free calls computer-to-computer. Generally speaking, cheap rates to use the internet to call a cell phone or home phone. One problem, legend has it this service is banned in the United Arab Emirates.

2. Google Voice--This service is by invite only at the time. (You can get your own invite by clicking here, signing in to your Google account). I am not completely sure how this service will work when calling abroad numbers, I will keep you updated. I think there will be a small fee. Only today, I requested to join. The service also allows users to do some pretty cool stuff domestically--you can get a google voice number and give this to friends. Depending on how you set up your account, you can allow family and friends to have access to your home and cell when they call your google voice number. Chronic over-callers can be sent straight to voice-mail (kind of cruel). Work colleagues can be sent only to your work number or work cell. Pretty cool video explaining on youtube.

3. Google Talk--Download video chat and voice chat to your google account.

Free International Calls from your Mobile Phone (Make International Calls like Local Calls)
Almost all of the below services work the same. You login to the site, enter your friend's number abroad, receive a local web number for your friend, call the local number, your friend receives a text of your web number, calls the number (which is local for him or her) and you connect. Voila! I have yet to see which service is best.... so for your perusal:

4. Jaxtr--Free international calls from mobile & you don't have to download software. This service allows you to enter your cell/home number and country, enter your friend's home/cell number and country, and you receive a Jaxtr number. You call the Jaxtr number and then dial your friend's number. Meanwhile, they receive a text with a number and they must call that number. Wahoo they will be connected to you! I also have yet to try this service... I will let you know soon. This happy-video shows you what it is all about. It seems a bit confusing, but free! and using your cell phone! And for your entertainment only, a video that semi-explains Jaxtr to the backbeat of an international band...

5. Rebtel--Free international calls from mobile. Watch this heartwarming video.

6. Talkster--Similar, free international calls from mobile. This allows you to also call Google Talk numbers. UAE is not listed as a possibility, like many other services. Great feature: You can use Talkster by sending a text message to Talkster and receiving a Talkster number for your friend via a return text to your phone.

Finally, a helpful NYTimes blogger runs through some basics: "Calling Home for Less"

Happy Talking!

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