Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Hiking around the Lagoon

Johana and Me

la laguna (lagoon)-- an area of shallow water separated from the sea by low sandy dunes. (

Lagoons make me think of the “Kiss the Girl Scene” from the Little Mermaid. Vegetation from all sides…like a bayou-swamp, something out of a fairy tale. I am not sure why the Lagoon at Cotochaxi is called a lagoon rather than a lake, if only for the reason that it looks like it is straight out of The Lord of the Rings.

Aragon and Robbie

Johana, Robbie, Aragon el perro, and I took a four-hour hike around Cuicocha, a volcanically formed lake (similar to Crater Lake in Oregon) that sits at the base of Cotacachi Volcano. Steep-climbs up Andean slopes were rewarded by brief moments jogging down the other side of the mountain. I will admit, at 10,649 feet (to give you an idea—Denver, CO sits at 5,280 ft), I was breathing a little harder than usual—not that I am using this as an excuse. The view was gorgeous. To one side, the lagoon with a mountain-island, and to the other side, a valley surrounded by higher mountains climbing into the clouds. Aragon provided constant laughs, trying to drag a 2 meter log to play catch and incessantly retrieving our mandarin peels we tossed into the brush.

A half-hour into the hike, I recognized that I had visited this lagoon two years ago, only I didn’t have the pleasure of a hike, only a brief stop to see the crystal clear water. When two of my fellow students dove into the lagoon, splashing a boat of French tourists, we were quickly ushered back to the buses, and followed by a trail of French profanities.

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