The guide showed us how the gravitational force on the equator is strong enough to make certain actions easier: JAson, one of the studens in the program who is over six feet tall and strong, held his hands clasped in front of his forehead. The guide, a petite Ecuadorian woman put one of her hands on top of Jason's clasped hands. South of the equator and north of the equator the guide tried to pull Jason's clasped hands down while he pulled up. Understandably, the guide was unable to pull his hands down. Yet when they both stood on the equator, the guide pulled down both of JAson's hands with her one hand, with ease! I tried it out with a friend and it really worked! The force of gravity aided the guide enough so that she could pull Jason's hands down with ease!
One final experiment highlighted how the rotational forces differ north and south of the equator. IT should be easy for a sober person with eyes closed or open to walk a line, such as done in a sobriety test. With closed eyes and arms at my sides, I easily walked the equator line at a reasonable speed. Yet, when I closed my eyes and raised both arms out to the side, it was nearly impossible to walk the equator line faster than at a snail's pace. The opposing rotational forces caused gravity on my left and right hand made it difficult for me to balance and walk in a straight line.
I was about not to go to the equator line, thinking we would be visiting El Mitad del Mundo monument, I am so happy I went to see the real equator. I think Bill Nye the science guy would have enjoyed it.
**I do not know how to do accent marks on this netbook, which I recently named Slothy due to her slow nature. I miss my mac!
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