Monday, March 7, 2011

Little Bits of Joy

These things brought me joy and made me laugh while studying.
  • "Regulation poorly understood." Yay! I do not need to learn the regulation of this ion. Haha for the future generations that will discover, learn, memorize, and be tested on this detail. (disclosure- I actually am pro-scientific-advancement)
  • This video on youtube: Me Singing A Whole New World Disney's Aladdin Nick Pitera
  • I woke up to hearing a snowblower. Date check: March 9th. One more month of possible snow? Why does my march desk calender flaunt blooming daisies? So deceptive. For now, I will take joy in slopping through slush, dragging my winter coat with me everywhere, drinking cozy tea, and momentarily gazing at the snow--snow that I found beautiful in January, and a fact of life now in March.
  • This is ridiculous. Weddings at McDonald's.
That is all. Just waiting for a whole lot of joy after tomorrow's physiology exam is over. The final study countdown continues.

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